Although the most common translation is “Certified Scanning“, it can also be accepted as a valid translation the term “Certified Imaging“. Other translations for “Digitalizacion Certificada“, are “Certified Digitisation“, “Certified Digitalisation“, ” Certified digitising“, ” Certified digitalizing” or “Certified digitalization”. Often the term “Substitutive Conservation” is used to reflect the same idea. The term is a translation of the concept “Conservazione Sostitutiva” defined by the Italian law.
As an example, the phrase in Spanish,
- La digitalización certificada de facturas permite destruir el papel.
will be translated as,
- The certified scanning of invoices allows to destroy the paper copy.
- The certified digitization of invoices allows to destroy the paper copy.
There is a collection of the Spanish Regulation regarding electronic invoice, electronic signature and certified scanning in the Legislación (Regulation) section.
Regarding electronic signature, the translation “qualified” aplies to “reconocido” only in digital certificates, so qualified certificate becomes “certificado reconocido” after a bad translation of the european directive 93/1999. However, “Certificado cualificado” is a more accurate translation of “qualified certificate”.
For more information, contact EADTrust at +34 91 716 0555
Note: Thanks to Catimage for the drawings